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versión On-line ISSN 1996-3521


FERNANDEZ VIDAL, Aleski; VELIZ MARTINEZ, Pedro Luis  y  MEJIAS SANCHEZ, Yoerquis. Relevance of the computerized system for awarding academic credits in scientific events. Infodir [online]. 2021, n.36  Epub 04-Abr-2022. ISSN 1996-3521.


The awarding of academic credits for scientific events is part of the documentary management of scientific processes. At present, it is done manually.


To identify the relevance of the computerized system for granting academic credits in scientific events.


Theoretical methods were applied. Computerized systems contribute to the development of informatization. In Cuba it is reflected in the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution approved in the VII Congress of the PCC and in the Integral Policy for the improvement of the informatization of society. Legally it is supported by the Constitution of the Republic approved in 2019 and in Decree Law 370/2018 "On the informatization of society in Cuba". The National Council of Scientific Societies of Health carries out actions aimed at the development of this process from the updating of the methodology to the introduction of the computerized system.


The introduction of the computerized system in the process of granting academic credits for scientific events is pertinent, every time that it facilitates management, by attributing agility and efficiency to the process. It is a technology that contributes to the improvement of the Health Informatization System, responds to the approved policies, with legal support and contributes to the implementation of the Plan for the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies of the National Health System 2017- 2021.

Palabras clave : informatization; information systems; granting of academic credits to scientific events, document management.

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