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versión On-line ISSN 1996-3521


VERANES GARZON, Inerkys; PENALVER SINCLAY, Ana Gladys  y  VALDIVIESO GUTIERREZ, Yurima. Leadership in health from a Neuroleadership Perspective. Infodir [online]. 2021, n.36  Epub 04-Abr-2022. ISSN 1996-3521.


Neuroleadership presents a new look to approach leadership. Nowadays it constitutes a knowledge that will allow you to develop tasks in a more effective way. The leader must understand how the brain works, anatomy and physiology.


To deepen in health leadership from the perspective of neuroleadership.


Neuroleadership proposes the formalization of a new field dedicated to exploring the processes in the brain that make human decisions, behaviors and interactions essential in the workplace and beyond.


Today, healthcare leadership from a neuroleadership perspective has marked a milestone in management given the influence of neuroscience and psychology.

Palabras clave : neurosciences; neuroleadership; leadership; leader.

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