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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


HERRERA SUAREZ, Miguel et al. Analysis of the factors that impact in the wear of the work organs of the tillage tool. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2010, vol.19, n.2, pp. 01-09. ISSN 2071-0054.

In the work, are analyzed the factors that has the bigger incidence in the wear of the work organs of the tillage tools. In the same one it is appealed to the survey method to experts for the definition of these factors or causes, besides the making of a cause-effect diagram that represents in simplified form the problem to investigate. The interview-questionnaire method is also used to obtain the necessary information, to the personnel responsible with the repairs, maintenance and parking of these tools. The results show to the conditions of exploitation, maintenance, repair and parking, as well as the constructive characteristics of the tillage tools, as the causes or factors that has incidence bigger in the wear of the organs of work of the tillage tool, according to the to the judgement emitted by the experts. Finally the analysis of the behaviour of these factors in the company object of study, show that most of the factor that cause the wear of these farm tools are controllable for the man, because the same ones are originated by organizational, technological and material factors, on which you can impact to minimize the damages that it causes this phenomenon. The results of this study are the fundamental base for the taking of decisions in function of solving the investigated problem.

Palabras clave : diagram Ishikawa; Kendall coefficient; coefficient of experts; competition; Pareto principle.

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