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vol.19 número2Efecto de la compactación sobre las propiedades físicas del suelo y el crecimiento de la caña de azúcarSoftware para el cálculo de indicadores energéticos, de explotación y económicos del sistema de distribución de humus de lombriz índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


QUINTERO, Atenaida Beatriz; WALKIRIA GUERRA, Caridad; FERNANDEZ, Lucia  y  DE CALZADILLA, Josefina. Diagnosis of the system of production-commercialization of the livestock caprino-ovino in La Guajira, department, Colombia. Application of the Good Scaling. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2010, vol.19, n.2, pp. 57-64. ISSN 2071-0054.

he Peasant's department has the biggest quantity of having won caprino-ovino in the country, also in the one the University of The Peasant resides (UNIGUAJIRA) that is the institution of more important Superior Education. It was possible to design a scientific-methodological strategy, for the development of this exploratory-descriptive type investigation. As empiric method the non experimental Design of traverse court was used. They were carried out 334 surveys. In the prosecution and analysis of the information Techniques Statistical univariadas and bivariadas were included that was supplemented with the use of the Statistical Methods Multivariados of Good Scaling (CATPCA and ACM). it is shown that the variables that more impacts are those related with the indicators: family, of purchase-sale and of genetic-productive type.

Palabras clave : Statistical analysis Multivariado; Good Scaling; sample size; won caprino-ovino.

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