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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2874


CABRERA MACIAS, Yolanda et al. Communication dimension of the skills learning to learn in medical students. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2024, vol.16  Epub 30-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2077-2874.


communication is essential in the process of training and development of learning-to-learn skills in medical students.


to characterize the communication dimension of the skills of learning to learn in medical students.


a descriptive research with a mixed design of the sequential explanatory type was carried out at Cienfuegos University of Medical Sciences from January to March 2022. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and historical-logical; empirical ones: questionnaire, observations of teaching activities and focal groups; and mathematical-statistical for the analysis of the data, and the Atla.ti software for the qualitative analysis of the information.


it was found that 65.5% of the students affirm that they use assertive communication, while 43.9% express verbal and extraverbal messages in a way that is accessible to other people. In the focal groups, the students accepted that they had deficiencies in the training of skills and had limitations in their indicators, which corresponds to the information obtained in the observations of teaching activities.


the communication dimension of skills learning-to-learn was characterized in medical students with a medium level of assertive communication and insufficiencies in the expression of verbal and extraverbal messages in a way that is accessible to other people.

Palabras clave : language; communication; professional competence; education, professional; education, medical.

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