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Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3038


ROBAINA AGUIRRE, Caristina et al. Trabajo de intervención para la prevención de accidentes en empresa constructora. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr [online]. 2001, vol.17, n.6, pp. 592-605. ISSN 1561-3038.

An intervention project on the human factor as a cause of occupational accidents in a luxury hotel construction enterprise, in the municipality of Varadero, was designed. Its main objective was to increase the level of knowledge of the workers, leaders and of the health and security group (HSG) from the enterprise about health and safety. To attain this purpose, it was developed a training program that served as the basis for a greater prevention and control of the accidents in the occupational setting from January, 1999, on. Educative techniques were introduced (Sincere Moment, among others) to this end. Courses and workshops were conducted to train the leaders and the HSG. A series of control measures were taken as a guide for the evaluation of the results and the acceptance of the project by the board of directors of the enterprise and the HSG was a decisive factor in its implementation and results. During the observation period we observed some changes in human behavior that had a positive effect on the technical factor in the occupational setting. The project’s evaluation was considered as good.


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