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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3127


LOPEZ PUIG, Pedro et al. Integrated health service networks on the basis of the Cuban realities. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2009, vol.35, n.4, pp. 34-43. ISSN 1561-3127.

Introduction On May 2008, the Pan-American Health Organization and its official headquarters in Havana, through the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, gave the National School of Public Health the first version of the PAHO Position Document on the Integrated Health Service Systems entitled "Integrated Health Care Systems: Concepts, Political Choices and Waybill for the implementation in the Americas, Washington, D.C, May 8th, 2008". Objectives To make conceptual contributions, to review and systematize information and to thoroughly analyze this topic. Methods For the fulfilment of this task, the National School of Public Health established a working group of professors who, in eight working sessions, were able to attain the set objective and to contribute constructs applicable to the Cuban realities in the conceptual areas. Results The Cuban health service network puts into practice the PAHO integration assumptions. Regarding the concepts suggested in the document, there is room for structural improvements that may be adapted to the realities of each country. Conclusions The topic of the Integrated Health Service Networks is highly complex and requires a series of approaches both in the conceptual field and in the development of measuring instruments. Apparently, different levels of integration/fragmentation are present in the health care service networks of every country. The integration of a health service network is a process rather than a target. Determining the level and tendency of the integration/fragmentation pair in the Cuban realities and setting the study models represent challenges for the public health care in the country.

Palabras clave : Integrated health service networks; Pan American Health Organization; Cuba.

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