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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


PALACIO MARTINEZ, Marta; GONZALEZ VIERA, Tomás; PEREZ MARTINEZ, Maribel  y  LUGO RODRIGUEZ, Elena. Methodological considerations to develop oral production in English from non-verbal expression. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2005, vol.5, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

Today the teaching of English as foreign language is guided by the communicative focus, starting from which the objective of the teaching of the language presupposes to achieve the student's talkative competition, that is to say, to propitiate the development of a different attitude towards the language, characterized by conscience, for what I serve it, How to do an efficient use of it, in any communicative situation, as well as to use the appropriate strategies to negotiate meanings. In this process of negotiation of meanings, the students use as much linguistic forms as extra linguistic elements that substitute and/or they complement certain communicative expressions. In the teaching in the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas of Camaguey you can appreciate the emphasis given to the development of communicative abilities, although without a planned methodological arrangement of these non-verbal elements, this way does not facilitate the development of the strategic competition. The present work intends to offer a solution to the problem that students present of the understanding and oral production in the foreign language. In the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas of Camaguey, with this purpose the conceptual theoretical foundation is included in that the work is sustained as well as a methodological proposal guided to propitiate the development of the strategic competition and systematic treatment of the linguistic expression and non-linguistics

Palabras clave : MEDICAL EDUCATION [methods].

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