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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


ARAUJO GONZALEZ, Rafael. Epistemological value of Theory of Complexity for Medicine. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2008, vol.8, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

The direction of the scientific thought, characteristic of the natural and concrete sciences is necessarily determined for the conceptual models or paradigms that are in their base. So the paradigmatic-conceptual models determine the prism with which we observe the reality that surrounds us, and the objects of study and investigation. In the case of the medical thought, it has been characterized by the biomedical-clinical-positivist paradigm, derived of the influence that such a conception has exercised and it is exercising today above all the scientific thought, which has led to the development of the specialization, and a specialized vision of the medical problems. The paradigm biomedical-clinical-positivist has been characterized by the specialized diagnostic and investigative search based on the evidence and the use of the method and error test, which even solving multiple problems, has limitations to interpret and to solve the complexity of many problems whose solution goes beyond the specialized vision of the science. For the solution of the previous problem, the paradigm of complexity and their different versions: that is: the theory of general systems, the theory of the self-organization, the theory of the chaos and the fractal geometry, in the fundamental thing, constitute conceptual tools that offer important methodological principles for the boarding of complex problems in medicine and in health, which means a bigger approach and a more accurate vision of them. To come closer to the complexity means to come closer to the real structure of the processes that we investigate.

Palabras clave : epistemología; dinámicas no lineales; medicina; epistemology; nonlinear dynamics; medicine.

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