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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


DURET CASTRO, Magalys; MONNE RODRIGUEZ, Gloria María; CABALLERO RECIO, Carmen Elena  y  ECHEMENDIA REYES, Edwin. Basic theoretical considerations about the clinical method. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2016, vol.16, n.1, pp. 65-83. ISSN 1727-8120.

The clinical method faces constant evolution, in spite of the issues that affect its application. The study of this scientific method constitutes one of the most important topics that lead medical praxis. It entails several characteristics dialectically intertwined that focus mainly on the doctor-patient relation for the diagnosis of a given disease. The objective of this article is to provide some theoretical considerations based on the analysis of its main concepts and attributes.

Palabras clave : clinical method; physician-patient relations; physical examination; medical records.

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