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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


ROBINSON JAY, Fidel et al. The sociohumanist development of the professionals of the Health. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.1, pp. 20-34. ISSN 1727-8120.

Partial results of the are presented "I Project Investigative Institutional for the sociohumanist development of the professionals of health" that spreads in the University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo from the year 2016. The followed procedures belong together with those of a qualitative investigation as long as they allowed to characterize the state of the sociohumanist education in professionals of the health that are formed in the institution and the level of development of sociohumanist competence in that process. By means of the bibliographical investigation they are necessary their definitions, relating theoretical and the tendencies that it follows the contemporary medical education while the application of other investigation methods facilitated to establish the characteristic elements, as well as the dimensions of its development in the professionals of the health. Starting from these primary informations, the objective was completed of designing the didactic strategy that it favored, by means of a system of actions, the application of the focus sociohumanist educational in the context of the professional superation guided to the achievement of sociohumanist competence in the way of the professionals' of the health performance that benefits the quality of its service.

Palabras clave : professionals of the health; sociohumanist development; system of actions; sociohumanist competence.

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