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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


REGALADO MIRANDA, Elsa Ramona; FERRER ARROCHA, Marlene; ALONSO MARTINEZ, Maylín  y  FERNANDEZ-BRITTO RODRIGUEZ, José Emilio. CIRAH Website. New working space for this center. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2014, vol.13, n.1, pp. 163-170. ISSN 1729-519X.

Introduction: CIRAH is a graduate degree institution that contributes to the permanent upgrading of health personnel in their knowledge on the atherosclerotic illness, its risk factors and its organic consequences. The Investigation Certification Studies on Atherosclerosis is conducted here, which is offers to all the country. These studies are organized in three stages: Graduate, Master, and Doctorate. Coordinating this process is complex and the center has very little staff. Objective: to create a website for CIRAH that facilitates the information management and the educational - investigative process of The Investigation Certification Studies on Atherosclerosis. Material and Method: it started by carrying out a table work to define those contents of the website, analyzing the mission and vision of this institution. Thematic websites, of investigation and educational centers were revised. CIRAH information was selected, the structural design and graph website was made, and the platform and the tools to use to use were defined. Lastly, all the contents were uploaded. Results: CIRAH institutional website was published. It showed the structures, contents and results of the work conducted. Various sections were placed to facilitate the access to the bibliographical information. Tutorials and useful tools to work were offered. Two fundamental lines of work on atherosclerosis were focused: teaching and investigation. The access to CIRAH information was centralized. Conclusions: CIRAH website was a new road for information organization and administration of this center. Its launching marked a new form of collaborative work for its workers.

Palabras clave : CIRAH; atherosclerosis; thematic website; educational website; institutional website; speciality website.

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