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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2874
ALCANTARA PAISAN, Francisca de la Caridad. Acquired experiences on vocational formation and professional orientation in medical sciences in Villa Clara. Rev EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.2, pp. 132-147. ISSN 2077-2874.
Background: the vocational formation and professional orientation have been a vital task in Cuba, since the Cuban Revolution stepped in the formation of the necessary qualified force for the country. Objective: to expose the acquired experiences by means of a pedagogic scientific workshop of vocational formation, professional orientation, vocational reaffirmation and the entering to the medical sciences careers (Forvoprevi) in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences since its emergence up to the present time. Methods: it was carried out a retrospective descriptive study using as theoretical methods: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical that allowed the analysis of the theoretical foundations and their progressive advance; and empiric ones: the documental review and the interview to key informants. Results: it was carried out the characterization by means of a synthesized sequence of the five developed shops, according to the typology and diversity of the presented works. The continuous evolution and the enrichment of the accumulated experiences in each version is appreciated, with the increase of the number of participants and their institutional origins, the presented reports, the variety of their topics and the use of the information and communication technologies, as a motivational support in the development of multimedia and videos. Conclusions: the experiences and the reached results demonstrate their social impact and the necessity of its continuity as an extracurricular means for the integral formation, professional and vocational reaffirmation of the students. The results of the debated topics and the exposed practices indicate the prevalence of its scientific and pedagogic character.
Palabras clave : Vocational guidance; education, professional; education, medical.