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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2874


NUNEZ ESCOBAR, Elsa et al. Teaching tasks for the development of researching skills through the in-service training. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2020, vol.12, n.2, pp. 146-160.  Epub 08-Abr-2020. ISSN 2077-2874.


teaching tasks to develop researching skills constitute the core of the training process; the students carry out various actions in them, using the logic and methodology of science to solve problems that occur in the teaching, labor and researching fields, under the direction and guidance of the teacher.


to prepare teaching tasks for the development of researching skills in medical students through the in-service training.


a descriptive cross-sectional investigation was carried out in the Medicine career in Sagua la Grande in the 2018-2019 academic year. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and systemic-structural; Empirical ones: observation of in-service training activities, interview with executives and methodological advisors, and the criteria of experts for the valuation of the product.


there were some inadequacies in the orientation of teaching tasks with a researching approach, most of them only related to the search for information and preparation of bibliographic reviews, and to a lesser extent linked to the application of instruments, techniques and interpretation of results; situation asserted by executives and methodological advisors as key informants, so some activities were developed that strengthen the development of researching skills.


the elaborated teaching tasks constitute a work tool for the teacher based on the development of researching skills in the students and contribute to the acquisition of modes of action necessary for their professional performance. They were valued by experts as suitable for application in this context.

Palabras clave : research; research design; science; education; medical.

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