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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0138-600X


RUIZ LORENTE, Raiza; RUBIO HERNANDEZ, María Caridad; HERNANDEZ DURAN, Daisy  y  TAMAYO LIEN, Graciela. Experience with women diagnosed breast cancer during a three year period. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2011, vol.37, n.3, pp. 349-358. ISSN 0138-600X.

INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the more frequent neoplasm in women at world scale. In Cuba, breast cancer incidence was the first and the second cause of death in 2008. In our country there is a program for breast cancer control whose general objective is to reduce the mortality from this pathology, increasing survival and preserving the quality of life of these patients. OBJECTIVES: To assess the breast cancer behavior and to describe the clinical and histological variables as variants of the treatments applied in such women. To describe the demographic and clinical variables of the study universe, to show histological modalities of breast cancer in our universe, to identify the type of initial treatment of each patient and to determine the event-free interval, as well as the global survival. METHODS: A retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted in 128 patients presenting with breast cancer, shoes diagnoses, treatments and follow-ups were during three years (2006-2009) in the Oncology service of the "Ramón González Coro" Gynecology and Obstetric Hospital. RESULTS: The 4.6 % of patients were aged under 30 and more than a half had 51 years old or more. The surgical modality more used was the quadrantectomy with axillary voiding for a 54 % of study universe. There were pleuropulmonary, bone, hepatic, cerebral and multiple metastases with predominance of the two first for a total of 11 cases. CONCLUSIONS: There was predominance of distant relapses over the locus-regional. Global survival was high.

Palabras clave : Ductal carcinoma; lobular; metastasis; chemotherapy; radiotherapy; hormonotherapy; relapse; post-menopause; survival.

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