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vol.37 número3Influencia de la familia en la sexualidad adolescenteMigración de un dispositivo intrauterino al ovario índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0138-600X


PELAEZ MENDOZA, Jorge Orfilio. Significance of knowledge and promotion of emergence contraception. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2011, vol.37, n.3, pp. 399-408. ISSN 0138-600X.

No desired pregnancy every year becomes a high price for women health, which is significantly higher in adolescents. It is paradoxical that in broad XX century many health professionals fails to recognize or not have all the necessary information relative to emergence contraception even though knowing that this method used in appropriate and early way may to reduce significantly the incidence of non-desired pregnancy and therefore the miscarriage and its sequelae, thus, the emergence contraception may be very useful in preservation and promotion of sexual and reproductive behavior, and even in not few cases, to save the women life. Motivated by the above mentioned, we conducted present bibliographic review with the central aim of to offer to health staff, be gynecologists, family physicians, pediatricians, nurses, the tools necessary to educate and to promote in general population and specially in adolescents the appropriate use of mergence contraception. It is our small contribution to constant fight by the rise in life of woman and in the Cuban life.

Palabras clave : Emergence contraception; miscarriage; non-desired pregnancy.

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