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Pastos y Forrajes

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0394


PEREZ, A et al. Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray . Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2009, vol.32, n.1, pp. 1-1. ISSN 0864-0394.

The Tithonia genus, with more than 10 species, originated in Central America, but it is widely spread in the tropical area of different continents, which grants it great ecological plasticity. Tithonia diversifolia is a robust herbaceous or shrubby plant, known by different common names that identify or show its large number of beneficial uses or characteristics similar to other plants such as árbol maravilla, falso girasol and arnica de la tierra, among others. This work presents different aspects of this plant, like: botanical characteristics, origin and distribution, agronomic factors and biomass production, nutritional content and secondary metabolites, as well as its utilization. Incipient results in the Republic of Cuba are included, as well as some questions regarding secondary metabolites, on which further studies must be conducted. T. diversifolia can adapt to the most diverse ecological conditions; its nutritional value and bromatological composition, as well as its little demand of phytotechnical works and high biomass yields (which can be consumed different animal categories) make it an exceptional plant genetic resource. As source of high protein value, it is used under grazing conditions or as forage for ruminants and monogastric animals; in addition, it can be supplied pre-dried or ground as meal and feed; likewise, its storage over relatively long periods is possible. It is undoubtedly a new feeding choice that can be used to alleviate feed scarcity, mainly in tropical countries with insufficient inputs and resources.

Palabras clave : Animal feeding; chemical composition; Tithonia diversifolia.

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