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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


ARIAS MOLINA, Yordany; CABRERA HERNANDEZ, Yuleimy  y  HERRERO SOLANO, Yosvany. Self-esteem, anxiety and depression in adolescents with alcoholism risk consumption. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.3, pp. 406-416. ISSN 1028-4818.

The influence of alcohol on society has had great weight as a problematic factor in the conformation and functioning of the family, individual and therefore of society. A study was conducted with the objective of evaluating self-esteem, anxiety and depression in adolescents with alcoholism risk consumption. A descriptive, cross-sectional observational study was conducted in adolescents of the specialty of Refrigeration with consumption of risk of alcoholism of the Technical School "General Luis Milanés" of the Bayamo municipality, in the year 2017. It was obtained as results that self-esteem had a mean level for 52.72%; anxiety predominated as a trait for a value of 19.09% and as a state in 24.54%; a low level of depression was obtained as a trait and as a state for 19.09 and 26.36% respectively. It is concluded that the adolescents showed trait and state of depression, anxiety and low, high and medium self-esteem respectively.

Palabras clave : Anxiety; Depression, Self Concept; Adolescent.

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