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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


SALAZAR PALOMO, Zenén. Efficiency of shiatsu massage in patients with sacrolumbalgia. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.3, pp. 417-429. ISSN 1028-4818.

A control case-type analytical study was conducted in a group of patients to check the efficacy of shiatsu massage, in the period between the second semester of 2017 until the end of the first semester of 2018. The universe consisted of 112 patients diagnosed by Oriental medicine with sacrolumbalgia in the age between 19 and 60 years, the sample consisted of 56 patients. The study group was represented by 56 patients and the control group by 56, all with the consent to participate in the study. The results were represented in 2 × 2 contingency tables. For the statistical validation the percent was used for the quantitative variables and the chi - square for the qualitative variables. The age group of 31 to 40 represented by 52 patients for 46.4%, of the universe 53 were workers for 47.3%, 55 patients of the study group improved to the eighth day for 98.2% those of the control group had only improved 43 for a 91.07%, the female sex was higher with 76 representatives for 67.8%, taking into account that the area where the study was made is in large agricultural percentage, most of the women work in offices. Finally it was demonstrated that the shiatsu massage is effective, rehabilitating the 56 patients of the study for 100% and that the majority of the patients improved in less time, the control group only rehabilitated 46 for a 91.07%.

Palabras clave : Low Back Pain; Massage.

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