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vol.23 número3Factores de riesgo asociados a infección vaginal en mujeres embarazadasLa Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso en las reintervenciones quirúrgicas: Estudio comparativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


ISER GONZALEZ, Osmar Antonio  y  ROMERO TAMAYO, Milvia Rosa. Factors of risk associated to the Caesarean operation primitive National Hospital Simao Mendes. Guinea Bissau. 2017. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.3, pp. 447-459. ISSN 1028-4818.

He/she was carried out a study analytic type univariado I marry control, with the objective of determining the factors associated to the primitive Caesarean operation in the maternity of the National Hospital Simao Mendes. Guinea Bissau, in the understood period of January 1ro at December 31 the 2017. They happened 3266 births of which corresponded to primitive Caesarean operation 1173, with a frequency of 35.9%. The sample was constituted by 206 gestantes to those that were carried out primitive Caesarean operation (cases) and 412 patients with childbirth eutócico (you control), it was chosen two controls by case, being used the simple random method. The data were processed by means of the statistical package EPIDAT version 3.1, being determined the association of each factor of risk with the primitive Caesarean operation for the ODDS RATIO to an interval of trust of the 0, 05. The maternal age smaller than 20 years or bigger than 35 years, the age gestacional with less than 37 weeks or 42 weeks and more and the illness hipertensiva of the pregnancy, they constituted factors of risk with statistical association to the primitive Caesarean operation, while the liquid amniotic meconial was factor of risk but he/she didn't have statistical association with the primitive Caesarean operation (OR = 1, 05; P=0, 77). The Diabetes Gestacional didn't turn out to be a factor of risk (OR=0, 79).

Palabras clave : Risk Factors; Cesarean Section.

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