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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


VARGAS OLIVA., Juan Manuel; ARIAS ALIAGA., Arlene  y  ALCANTU REYES., Antonio Lázaro. Clinical, humoral and imaging variables useful for the diagnosis of persistent peritonitis. Multimed [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.1, pp. 154-168. ISSN 1028-4818.


peritonitis, general or localized inflammatory process of the peritoneal membrane; they bring with them a series of local intra-abdominal and general disorders that threatens the patient's life in a potential way, left untreated more than 90% of patients die.


to evaluate the usefulness of postoperative clinical, humoral and imaginological variables, vital for the early diagnosis of persistent intra-abdominal infection.


An analytical, cohort, prospective and longitudinal observational study was carried out in 45 patients older than 15 years undergoing surgery for diffuse suppurative secondary peritonitis (PSSD) and who were reoperated with the diagnostic impression of persistent peritonitis of which some developed and others do not, in the period from September 2014 to April 2018.


For the early diagnosis of persistent peritonitis in patients operated with suppurative peritonitis, prereintervention heart rate, postoperative spontaneous abdominal pain maintained in the first 48 hours and post-operative pain after abdominal decompression were the most significant findings.


the postoperative pain to decompression of the abdomen acquired a predictive value of reoperation for the first 48 hours of surgery and its appearance increased by 6 times the risk of presenting a persistent peritonitis.

Palabras clave : Persistent peritonitis; Surgery.

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