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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


BARRERA TAMAYO., Olga Lidia; JEREZ AGUILAR., Eliades Nicolás; REMON REYES., Elizabeth  y  CARRERA CARBONELL., Anais. Surgical treatment of congenital palpebral ptosis. Multimed [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.1, pp. 200-209. ISSN 1028-4818.

We present the case of a male patient, 4 years old, product of dystocic delivery (by caesarean section), term gestation, (41.0 weeks), with a birth weight of 7.10 pounds (normal weight) urban origin, with a history of having undergone surgical treatment for a tear duct obstruction, at the age of one year. At the ophthalmological examination, it is noted that both upper eyelids fall at the level of the middle third of the pupil area; low insertion of the upper outer canthal edge of both upper eyelids, abundant tearing and ocular secretions; Small myopia and slight bilateral amblyopia. It was also observed postural disorders due to elevation of the chin to look. Valued by Neurology, neurological cause of ptosis was ruled out. Studied by Oculoplasty, surgical treatment is decided, consisting of shortening of the elevating muscle of both eyelids, by anterior route and excursion of said muscle, in 6 mm. The post-surgical result was satisfactory.

Palabras clave : Blepharoptosis; Plastic surgery; Reconstructive surgical procedures.

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