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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


PORRO CRUZ, Galia Rafaela; CASTILLO ALARCON, Damaris Nilvia; GUTIERREZ NUNEZ, Rafael  y  HERNANDEZ PALOMO, Eliecer Cesar. Educational intervention program to reduce the risks associated with smoking. Multimed [online]. 2024, vol.28  Epub 03-Mayo-2024. ISSN 1028-4818.

Smoking constitutes a health problem of great magnitude worldwide, and in Cuba it shows a tendency to increase its incidence, especially in adolescence. An intervention study was carried out in the Medical Office No. 1 of the René Vallejo Ortiz University Polyclinic, in the municipality of Manzanillo, from January to July 2023, with the objective of evaluating the results of the application of an educational intervention program to reduce the risks associated with smoking. The universe consisted of 114 smoking patients in the area, with a sample of 50 patients selected by simple random sampling. The following variables were studied: age, sex, educational level, age of smoking onset, pathologies associated with smoking, level of knowledge. In the study, the predominant age group was male, between 45 and 59 years old, with secondary education level completed; adolescence was identified as the age at which they started smoking. The predominant pathology associated with smoking was arterial hypertension. With the application of the educational program, the level of knowledge about the risks of smoking and how to reduce them increased, most of the patients were motivated to quit smoking, demonstrating the positive impact of the research in the community studied.

Palabras clave : Risk factors; Promotion; Prevention; Smoking.

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