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vol.18 número3El retropropulsor y estimulador de Buño: su uso en los prognatismos mandibulares, cambios cefalométricosEvaluación de competencias clínicas en estomatología como expresión de la calidad del proceso docente educativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3194


CONCEPCION OBREGON, Tebelio; MATOS RODRIGUEZ, Arioska; GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Lidia Esther  y  GARCIA VERA, Nancy. Formation of professional skills during the third academic year of the Dentistry Major. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.3, pp. 481-491. ISSN 1561-3194.

Introduction: the development of professional skills in the Dentistry major, with a systemic and interdisciplinary approach, has ensured a proper training process. Objective: to evaluate the systemic approach in the formation of professional skills in the third academic year of the Dentistry major. Material and method: the Dentistry campus' entire faculty of the third academic year of the Dentistry major in Pinar del Río was study in the period 2013-2014, as being composed of 22 professors, intentionally chosen, the third and forth years students (23 and 28, respectively), considered as referential group of the process, in both cases intentionally chosen. This study is supported by the dialectical materialist method for its ability to integrate the qualitative and the quantitative and for it allowed to determine the system of methods to be used, namely: methods from the theoretical and empirical levels, and also statistical methods. Results: it was evinced the lack of systemic approach to the process of formation of professional skills in the major, no interrelation of the process and its contribution to the graduate's profile, the lack of methodological work aimed at the process and not to the active participation of the students. The results were analyzed in percentage terms. Conclusions: the definition of skills is not determined for each subject contributing with the professional's model and performance way. There is neither integrated participation by the faculty in the process of professional skills formation nor active participation by the students.

Palabras clave : Professional competence; Job description.

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