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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3194


GARCIA ACOSTA, Ivaida; DIAZ CALA, Alfredo  y  GUTIERREZ MARANTE, Damaris. Teaching aids and information and communication technologies in the training of health technologists. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.5, pp. 823-830. ISSN 1561-3194.

Introduction: teaching aids constitute one of the components of the teaching-learning process which favour the scientific conception of the world and the assimilation of knowledge. Objective: to characterize the use of teaching aids and of the information and communication technologies in the training of health technologist in the major Clinical Bio-analysis. Material and method: pedagogical study in the major Clinical Bio-analysis in Simon Bolivar Pinar del Río Technological Branch, using both theoretical and empirical methods, such as surveys on students and interviews on professors. The target groups and the sample were intentionally coincident (67 students and 17 professors). Results: the most used teaching aids were the traditional ones, while hardware and software products are considered insufficient in the institution and it is evaluated as positive and necessary the use of the new technologies for the elaboration of teaching aids. Conclusions: the most widely-used teaching aids in learning the major's contents are the traditional ones. The basic bibliography is scarce for the proper direction of the teaching-learning process, as well as the teaching aids supported by the technology in order to meet the accessibility in the assimilation and motivation towards learning.

Palabras clave : Teaching; Professional education.

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