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Gaceta Médica Espirituana

versión On-line ISSN 1608-8921


ALCALDE ROJAS, José Miguel; MENDEZ BRITO, Mariela; RODRIGUEZ BORREGO, Blanca Janine  y  TORRES LEON, Yamilse María. Delayed diagnosis of Bochdalek hernia. Case presentation. Gac Méd Espirit [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.2, pp. 118-123. ISSN 1608-8921.

Background: congenital defect in the closure of the posterolateral region of the diaphragm is called Bochdalek hernia and only in 10 % of children the diagnosis is made after the first month of life. This birth defect allows abdominal organs to move into the chest, which in turn can be the cause of persistent pulmonary opacity on chest radiography. Objective: to illustrate the delayed diagnosis of Bochdalek hernia in a patient with a persistent pulmonary opacity, as it is an infrequent case. Case presentation: the case of an eleven months old girl, who was admitted for a left lung base pulmonary opacity and persistent clinical signs of infection is described. The patient had clinical improvement after completing treatment with antibiotics for five days but the image persisted on chest radiography. Computed tomography showed the spleen in the left hemithorax due to Bochdalek hernia. Conclusions: the diagnosis of Bochdalek hernia out of the newborn stage is rare, however this disease should be considered in all patients with persistent pulmonary opacity even when their age exceeds the neonatal stage.

Palabras clave : diaphragmatic hernia; diagnosis; surgery.

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