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vol.15 número2La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los contenidos matemáticos desde una perspectiva comunicativaEl enfoque de producciones más limpias en la práctica laboral del Ingeniero Químico índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2077-2955


MARTIN, Alicia Virginia; MATIAS DE RODRIGUEZ, Carmen Evarista  y  MOLA REYES, Cila Eduviges. The methodological scientific culture and the professional development of the Dominican mathematics university teachers. trf [online]. 2019, vol.15, n.2, pp. 107-123. ISSN 2077-2955.


This article aims at providing a reference framework that serves as the basis for the development of a methodological scientific culture in university teachers, and thus promoting a debate that leads to enlarging teacher education.


Theoretical-level methods such as analysis-synthesis, documentary analysis, and some of the empirical level were used to survey to mathematics teachers knowledge of didactics, to finally devise a framework of reference serving as the foundation for a pedagogical professional development of teachers in which the expansion of scientific-methodological cultural knowledge is enhanced and personal growth is contributed through collective cultural practices, a process that still requires the search for elements that effectively arouse their improvement.


The fundamental result of the study is a frame of reference for the development of the scientific methodological culture of the university professors who teach Mathematics in the careers of Education.


The active participation of teachers based on the deepening and updating of knowledge in scientific and pedagogical issues is a cardinal element of professional development.

Palabras clave : Applied mathematics; mathematics instruction; teacher education; didactic.

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