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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7507


LIMA ARRAIS RIBEIRO, Isabella; PINHO VELOSO, Heloísa Helena  y  CORREIA DE SOUZA, Keny. Characterization of the buccal health of elderly in an beneficent institution of the long stay of João Pessoa-PB, Brazil. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2012, vol.49, n.3, pp. 193-203. ISSN 0034-7507.

Introduction: The elderly population is increasing, so it is necessary to pay more attention to their health status. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiologic situation of the oral health conditions of the older people in João Pessoa-PB, Brazil. Methods: Fifty five aged persons, who were institutionalized in a long-care center in João Pessoa, were studied. They were inquired about personal data, habits, and then the oral conditions were assessed by a single examiner. The evaluation included the tooth conditions, the requirement and the use of dentures. Data were recorded in a form and analyzed by SPSS (Fisher's Chi-square or exact value). Results: It was observed that 16 (29.0 %) of these people were aged 60-70 years and 39 (71.0 %) above 70 years. Regarding sex, 43 (78.2 %) were females and 12 (21.8 %) males. Two old people reported having gone to the dentist's at least one month ago (3.7 %); 4 (3.7 %), did it in the last 6 months and 49 (89.0 %) over one year ago. Thirty five were edentulous (63.6 %). The rest had 6.1 teeth per individual as average. The use of complete removable denture was seen in 40% of the elderly and of partial removable dentures in 9.1 %. A total of 78 % of the studied elderly needs some kind of denture. Conclusions: The evaluated elderly are lacking odontological care, so they require denture rehabilitation.

Palabras clave : oral health; geriatric odontology; older age.

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