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vol.24 número3Caracterización antigénica y molecular de los virus influenza A (H3N2) circulantes en Cuba y su relación con las cepas vacunales (1995-98) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1025-0298


GONZALEZ-FIGUEREDO, Jannet; RAJME-MANZUR, David; NEGRIN-THOMSON, Gilberto  y  DOPICO-PAZ, José Raúl. Production of anti-canine parvovirus IgY polyclonal antibodies and evaluation of a latex agglutination system. Vaccimonitor [online]. 2015, vol.24, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0298.

The canine parvovirosis is fundamentally one of the main infections causing gastroenteritis in puppies, with high morbilethality rates. The most used diagnostic tests are based on the detection of viral particles excreted during the acute phase of the disease. Some tests require specialized teams, which increases the costs and the time of diagnosis. For this reason, the simplification of these methods with high sensitivity and specificity has a priority. A presumptive diagnosis is only achieved in Cuba, without the complete confirmation of the disease, mainly for the shortage or absence of a diagnostic kit in the whole net of doctor’s offices and veterinary clinics, quick, effective and adjustable to our conditions. This study aimed at obtaining IgY polyclonal antibodies from chicken egg yolk for its possible use in therapies and a latex agglutination diagnostic system. Two leghorn hens were intramuscularly hyper immunized with an attenuated strain of type 2 canine parvovirus (CPV). Eight inoculations were applied per bird every 15 days. The eggs were harvested and the antibodies were purified by the method of dextran sulfate/sodium sulfate. The titer of anti-CPV IgY was determined by the method of Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) and with canine parvovirus antigen coupled to polystyrene latex particles. A title of IgY anti-CPV of 1:1024 was obtained by HI. Mixtures of antibodies with medium and high titers of both hens agglutinated with the reagents prepared with 230 and 460 µg/mL of antigen. The greatest intensity of the reaction and the best detectability corresponded to reagents prepared with the antibodies of higher titer.

Palabras clave : IgY; canine parvovirus; latex agglutination.

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