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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


ALCOLEA GARCIA, Annet de la Caridad; ALCOLEA RODRIGUEZ, José Rolando; ALCOLEA GARCIA, Anais de los Milagros  y  PALOMINO RODRIGUEZ, Karen Leimys. Odontophobia and its correlation with general oral health and periodontal disease. Multimed [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.3  Epub 02-Mayo-2021. ISSN 1028-4818.


fear and anxiety are practically indistinguishable; they easily arise in the dental office.


to determine in patients with odontophobia its possible correlation with general oral health and periodontal disease in patients aged 20 to 50 years admitted to the Primary Care Service of the Bayamo Stomatological Clinic in February 2017.


a Cross-sectional analytical observational epidemiological research, the universe of 132 patients, all were part of the study. The presence of odontophobia was identified with the support of the Norman Corah Anxiety Scale and a questionnaire where the variables were studied: general oral health, periodontal disease and its severity. The frequencies, means, statistical reliability test and Odds Ratio were determined.


100% of the odontophobic patients lacked oral health, (OR = 19.15) which indicates the association between these two variables. Similarly, a high morbidity (96.43%) and severity of periodontal disease were observed in patients with odontophobia, given the prevalence and causality with chronic periodontitis (OR = 4.13).


odontophobia was shown to have a causal association with general oral health and the morbidity and severity of periodontal disease.

Palabras clave : Odontophobia; Oral health; Periodontal disease.

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