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vol.25 número6Lic. María Elena Jiménez Arias (1948˗2021): artífice de la revista MedisanTributo a los 8 estudiantes de Medicina en el 150 aniversario de su fusilamiento índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


CASAS GROSS, Sandra María; VEGA VERANES, Frey  y  RAMOS HERNANDEZ, Leonardo. Historical tendencies in the academic direction process of the Medicine Faculty No. 1 from Santiago de Cuba. MEDISAN [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.6, pp. 1492-1507.  Epub 29-Nov-2021. ISSN 1029-3019.

The process of academic direction of the Medicine Faculty No. 1 from Santiago de Cuba, had its foundations in the context of Oriente University in 1962. Since its foundation it has been conceived to resize the academy, according to the population health problems. The above-mentioned facilitated to verify, by means of the revision of different publications related to the history of medicine, the lack of studies that analyze the academic direction in the faculty structure, as integral and integrated process, reason why the present study was carried out aimed at characterizing the tendencies that distinguish the development of the academic direction in the enunciated educational context. In this respect, the foundations that sustain the necessity of its improvement are determined. It was concluded that a pertinent scientific-methodological administration that impacts the Santiago environment is required to satisfy the essential health, climatic and social problems.

Palabras clave : academic direction; academic administration; medicine faculty; history of medicine.

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