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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


ELIZALDE-RODRIGUEZ, Dusquier; VALDES-HERNANDEZ, Pedro A.; MATOS-RAMIREZ, Neeldes  y  DELGADO-GONZALEZ, Dalmis. Operation Indicators in Milk Collection Trucks in Jimaguayu, Sibanicu and Vertientes. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.4, pp. 56-66. ISSN 2071-0054.

The research carried out is part of the project: Rational Organization of Milk Collection Process and Distribution by Means of Automotive Transport in Camagüey Province. Its objective is to evaluate operation indicators in the process of bovine milk collection with the use of means of transport in Agricultural Companies of Sibanicú, Jimaguayú and Vertientes of Camagüey Province in Cuba. The operation indicators are determined, taking into account the time balance with the use of the workday photo - timing method, the coefficients of utilization of static load capacity of trucks, travel and time, productivity, yield and fuel consumption, as well as economic indicators. The results obtained show the work efficiency limitation of means of transport due to the low coefficient of utilization of static load capacity in milk collection, with values ​​between 0.2134 and 0.4555 (21.34 and 45.55 %) in the municipalities studied. That is due to the low availability of milk at the collection points and the inadequate organizational management of the car fleet capacity. Likewise, this coefficient influences the productivity of the trucks, that transport between 934,88 and 2 004,28 L, which is below their design capacity. In fuel consumption, values ​​between 2.97 and 4.30 km/L are obtained, which means that there is an over consumption of 0.2 and 1.53 km/L compared to those recommended by the manufacturer (4,5 and 5 km/L), due to the deterioration of roads and the distances traveled. Also, the cost of the ton-kilometer is 0.049 and 0.07 pesos/t-km and the cost of each ton of milk transported is between 33.65 and 34.64 pesos/t, according to the calculated distances

Palabras clave : coefficients; fuel consumption; transportation cost.

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