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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


FONSECA NUNEZ, YuduanisDailín  y  RODRIGUEZ ROSALES, Solem. Photoprotection; a challenge in Cuba today. Multimed [online]. 2024, vol.28  Epub 18-Mar-2024. ISSN 1028-4818.

Photoprotection is the process of creating a barrier between the skin and the sun to protect against harmful solar radiation.The use of proper solar photoprotection helps prevent some of the harmful effects on the skin in the short term.It also helps prevent others in the long term, such as premature aging of the skin, skin spots and the most feared of all, skin cancer. It has been reported an increment in solar radiation and as a result, a significant increase in cases of skin cancer in Cuba. Photoprotection will allow Cubans to be exposed to the sun for a longer period of time without skin burns and mitigate the harmful effects of the sun.

Palabras clave : Photoprotection; Sunscreen.

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