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Revista Cubana de Cirugía

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2945


STABLE JURQUIN, Yosvany; ENCARNACION VERANO, Daniuska  y  SOSA MARTIN, José Gimel. Abdominal Trauma in patients at Hospital Universitario General Calixto García. Rev Cubana Cir [online]. 2023, vol.62, n.2  Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 1561-2945.


Abdominal trauma is considered a significant health problem due to the fact that its kinematics causes both anatomical and functional injuries to the abdominal organs.


To characterize abdominal trauma in a group of injured patients from Hospital Universitario General Calixto García.


An observational, descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was conducted in patients with abdominal trauma attended at the general surgery service from January 2017 to December 2019. The sample was 879 patients.


There was a higher number of patients with abdominal trauma within the age group 19-29 years, with a prevalence of the male sex. Road traffic accidents predominated as the main cause of abdominal trauma, accounting for 52 %. Injuries to solid organs prevailed, most frequently to the liver, accounting for 33 %. The most frequently used treatment was surgical, which represents 83 % with reference to conservative management.


Due to their location and functionality, injuries associated with abdominal trauma become a factor that represents a great risk for the patient's life. Road traffic accidents continue to be among the first causes of abdominal trauma. Although the conservative approach has gained followers, there is a predominance of surgical treatment supported mainly by the patients' symptomatology and diagnostic means.

Palabras clave : abdominal traumas; road traffic accidents; penetrating wounds.

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