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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7507


ALVAREZ MARTINEZ, Efraín et al. Clinical and histopathological features of oral squamocellular carcinoma during 1990-2004 in Medellin, Colombia. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2011, vol.48, n.4, pp. 320-329. ISSN 0034-7507.

The oral scamocellular carcinoma is a frequent malignant neoplasia located in the oral cavity; however, there is not information on the incidence and clinical behavior of this type of cancer in Antioquia, Colombia. Present study provides information on the clinical and histopathological features of the oral scamocellular carcinoma collected from the medical records of 197 persons, 112 men (56.9 %) and 85 females (43.1 %) seen in the "San Vicente de Paúl" University Hospital of Medellin for 14 years. The more frequent location of the oral scamocellular carcinoma was the tongue (45.0 %), followed by the hard palate (17.1 %), soft palate 9.0 % and mouth floor (45 %); most of these ones were diagnosed in late stages (III and IV) (74,9 %), as regards the differentiation degree there was predominance of well and moderately differentiated carcinomas.

Palabras clave : oral cancer; oral cavity; risk factors.

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