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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7507


RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Niorgy et al. Pindborg's tumor in relationship with facial traumata. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2011, vol.48, n.4, pp. 396-403. ISSN 0034-7507.

The Pindborg's tumor is a benign and uncommon neoplasm with a local invasive character and a trend to relapse accounting for the 0.17 and the 1.8 % of all odontogenic tumors with only 200 cases published in the literature and a mean of four cases per year at world scale. This is the case of a man aged 39 came our consultation of Maxillofacial Surgery referred from Neurosurgery Service after a craniofacial trauma and an increase of volume in right mandibular angle with the aim to publish the existence of this uncommon neoplasm due to the interesting of this type of tumor by its evolution, difficulty for diagnosis, variants of treatment and trend to relapse. After carry out laboratory examinations, X-rays, axial tomography computerize and biopsy of bone fragment, it was possible the extension and diagnosis of Pindbog's tumor in right hemi-mandible. The right hemimandibulectomy is performed as surgical technique and the reconstruction using bone graft of iliac crest. Evolution of patient is satisfactory.

Palabras clave : tumor; odontogenic; calcifying epithelial; Pindborg.

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