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Revista Cubana de Farmacia

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2988


GARCIA RIVERO, Carmen Luisa; BUENO PAVON, Viviana; GARCIA SIMON, Gastón  y  TILLAN CAPO, Juana. Estudio toxicológico de un producto derivado de la caña de azúcar. Rev Cubana Farm [online]. 1997, vol.31, n.2, pp. 125-133. ISSN 1561-2988.

This paper reports on the results obtained from the preclinical toxicity assessment of an active ingredient formulated as a cream having healing and antifungal properties which was obtained from a natural product derived from sugar cane. The drug testing included the determination of its safety in experimental animals by the estimation of the mean lethal dose in rabbits F1 and albino Wistar rats using high dose levels. The potential irritancy on the skin, ophthalmic, vaginal and rectal mucosa was also studied, as well as the potential as a sensibilizing agent. Overall, the toxic symptoms observed were found to be no significant and they dissapeared within a short period of time. There was no mortality and the absence of irritant effects on the skin and mucosa was evidenced in the evaluation. It was proved that this product is not a sensibilizing agent. Results obtained from the study carried out allow to classify this product as having low toxicity levels.

Palabras clave : WAXES [toxicity]; OINTMENTS [toxicity]; CONCJUNCTIVA [drug effects]; VAGINA [drug effects]; SKIN [drug effects]; RECTUM [drug effects]; DRUG SCREENING; RABBITS; RATS; GRASSES.

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