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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X


ARREDONDO BRUCE, Alfredo  y  PONS VAZQUEZ, Reinaldo. Renal denervation, a milestone in the treatment of hypertension. Rev cubana med [online]. 2015, vol.54, n.1, pp. 67-73. ISSN 1561-302X.

Hypertension is a significant global threat and a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A literature review was conducted in PubMed, Embase, Medline, and Scielo databases on therapeutic renal denervation, until mid-2014, as a promising version of a historical treatment whereby kidney sympathetic activation is reduced in resistant hypertension and in other stages of vascular disease, including heart failure. This review focused on contemporary evidence on the usefulness of renal denervation; its current status and the various devices were reviewed (EnligHTN™ [St Jude Medical, MN, USA], Vessix™ Vascular V2 [Boston Scientific, MA, USA], OneShot™ [Covidien, CA, USA] y PARADISE® [ReCor Medical, CA, USA]). Treatment indications were considered and the various problems still unresolved were analyzed (no effect in reducing morbidity or mortality has been shown. The main cause of refractory hypertension is patient noncompliance; and the benefit of renal denervation may be for the best adherence to therapy. Ambulatory reducing BP is lower than in consultation), since the need to be resolved before renal denervation is considered a therapy of choice.

Palabras clave : resistant hypertension; renal denervation.

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