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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3046


PEREZ REYES, Rogelio; PONS MAYEA, Gilberto O.  y  OTERO CEBALLOS, Marta. Evaluation of the emergency hip fracture protocol, Intermediate Surgical Care Unit. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2004, vol.33, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3046.

Hip fractures are a frequent cause of hospitalization. This phenomenon is a hospital and social problem. A longitudinal and prospective study was conducted from 1999 to August, 2003, that allowed to validate the application of the protocol and to evaluate its fulfilment by the intensive care specialists working at the Intermediate Surgical Care Unit of "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" Military Central Hospital, saince the hip fracture is considered as a prioritity emergency at the Institute.The sample coincides with the study group and included 306 cases. There was a statistical significance as regards females. The group aged 76-85 was the most affected, accounting for 37.2 %. In most of the cases the existance of one or more concomitant diseases led to the health status previous to surgery, which allowed to make a functional and vital prognosis on being operated on. .The multidisciplinary team based itself on perioperative observation guide and measurements of pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal functions, according to the clinical method, and supported by basic research. The length of stay at the Intermediate Surgical Care Unit for the surgical procedure was of 49 %, between 24 and 48 hours. Late complications were detected in a few patients, who were transferred to the Orthopedics Ward 24 hours after undergoing surgery.

Palabras clave : Hip fracture; hip trauma; treatment; osteosynthesis; external fixatives; protocol.

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