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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versión impresa ISSN 0138-6557


CORREA JAUREGUI, Manuel; RUBINO MORENO, Jorman Manuel; REY TORRES, Ailyn B  y  RODRIGUEZ DE CELIS, Yisel. The start of sexual relations among senior high school students. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2013, vol.42, n.3, pp. 377-386. ISSN 0138-6557.

Introduction: improvement of the quality of life of men and women is a topic of worldwide interest. Hence the importance of early detection of health problems such as those related to sexuality. Objective: describe the main aspects of the start of sexual relations among adolescents. Methods: cross-sectional observational descriptive study. The study universe was male and female students from three senior high schools. The sample consisted of 450 students selected in an intentional, stratified manner: 150 students from each institution; 50 from each school year, age 15-18. Data collection was based on a survey validated by the Ministry of Education in the year 2005. Results: it was found that boys often start their sexual life at age 14, while in junior high school, whereas girls start at age 15, while in senior high school. 55.2 % of boys reported wearing a condom in their first sexual intercourse, whereas girls constituted a mere 49.8 %. The home of either partner or the boarding school they attended were reported as the places for the first sexual experience. Subjects generally reported to have had their first sexual experience with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Boys most often search for sexual satisfaction, company and trust, whereas girls try to find support, affection, understanding and trust. Conclusions: persistence of inherited social patterns related to gender, a poor perception of the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease, and the tendency to start sexual relations early in adolescence, mainly boys, were all made evident by the study.

Palabras clave : start of sexual relations; adolescence; gender.

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