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vol.165 suppl.1Estados Unidos en su laberinto: la crisis, la pandemia y la escena política índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Economía y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 0252-8584


VAZQUEZ ORTIZ, Yazmín Bárbara. Socioeconomic Polarization, Politics, Ideology and Obstacles to Development in a Post-pandemic World. Econ. y Desarrollo [online]. 2021, vol.165, suppl.1  Epub 21-Ene-2021. ISSN 0252-8584.

The alarming effects of the pandemic that began to affect humanity at the end of 2019, together with the vulnerability revealed at the political and social level to face it, have put on the agenda the need to change the model of neoliberal development prevailing in most countries of the world, however, to this end there are significant obstacles. In this sense, the concentration of political power that is deployed from the concentration of income and wealth in the capitalist class, as well as the social and governmental intervention that through ideological means has promoted in function of their interests, become important limitations in the present and future in function of this. This work is dedicated to the analysis of the intervention of this social class in the phenomenon referred to.

Palabras clave : development; ideology; pandemic; socioeconomic polarization; politics.

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