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Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3054


MARCET SANCHEZ, Ricardo; FIGUEREDO PINO, Mabel  y  SARRACENT PEREZ, Jorge. Monoclonal antibody mimicking the structure of an immunoprotective epitope against Fasciola hepatica. Rev Cubana Med Trop [online]. 2006, vol.58, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3054.

The ES-78 monoclonal antibodiy recognizes excretory-secretory antigens of Fasciola hepatica. This monoclonal antibody is used for diagnosis of humans and cattle fasciolosis. The production of 4 anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies (3G5, 5G1, 3H4 and 1H6) inhibiting the antigen-monoclonal antibody ES 78 reaction was reported. This antibody recognizes excretion-secretion antigens of Fasciola hepatica and it is used for the diagnosis in faeces of fascioliasis in the bovine cattle and in humans. When the 3G5 was used in rabbits as an immunogen there was a response of antibodies against the excretion-secretion antigen of Fasciola hepatica without a previous contact wih it. The utilization of this anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody as an immunogen mimmicking a protective epitope against fascioliasis together with appropriate adjuvants may be a new way of reducing the parasitic burden in experimental models of fascioliasis.

Palabras clave : Fasciola hepatica; monoclonal antibody ES-78; anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies; parasitic vaccines.

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