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Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0300


REYES TORRES, Igdany  y  CASTILLO HERRERA, José A. A healthy and active human aging process, a challenge for elderly, family and society. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [online]. 2011, vol.30, n.3, pp. 454-459. ISSN 0864-0300.

The increase of the population life expectancy and the decrease of births in developed and in some developing countries are responsible mainly of accelerated increase of the population aged over 65, one of the main existing socioeconomic problems. It is necessary to know in an urgent and integral way the human aging process, which will allow us to adopt measures giving to this population the meeting of economic, health, social and spiritual needs guaranteeing the enjoyment of an active and healthy old age. The objective of present communication is to reiterate the significance of this question of a huge politic, socioeconomic and cultural repercussion, which is a challenge for elderly, family and society and the government institutions what if it is not properly faced, will has catastrophic consequences due to its high social cost and will be a violation of human rights of old people.

Palabras clave : Human aging; active and healthy old age; elderly human rights.

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