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vol.36 número3Modelo de gestión estratégica para la toma de decisiones en entidades agropecuarias. Implementación en una UBPC del municipio Martí (Parte II)¹ índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Pastos y Forrajes

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0394


NAVARRO, Marlen; PEREZ, A; SUAREZ, J  y  MESA, A. R. Training as key element for the diffusion and adoption of seed technologies in the Cuban livestock production sector (Technical note). Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2013, vol.36, n.3, pp. 377-383. ISSN 0864-0394.

A work was conducted aimed at the participatory identification of the training needs and the construction of a horizontal learning process, as basis for the adoption and diffusion of pasture seed technologies. To evaluate the factors which influence the adoption of such technologies, local workshops were carried out, in which the problem tree and the objective tree were elaborated for each of the identified problems. With this information and with the one obtained in the exchanges with producers from the formal and informal sectors, the theoretical-practical course «Production and technologies of tropical pasture seeds» was designed. The importance of knowledge acquisition and its increase was evaluated through the aspects «knowledge checking» and «project of perspectives and development»; while the evolution of the training process was analyzed in three projects, among the ones presented by each of the developing farms. It was concluded that through participatory training those implied in the adoption and diffusion of pasture seed technologies were achieved to propose the topics in which further study was necessary.

Palabras clave : research diffusion; pasture seed; training.

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