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Pastos y Forrajes

versión On-line ISSN 2078-8452


LERMA-LASSO, Jose Libardo et al. Effect of calcareous amendments on the productivity and quality of Medicago sativa (L.) in Colombia. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2020, vol.43, n.3, pp. 190-200. ISSN 2078-8452.


: To evaluate the effect of calcareous amendments on the productivity and quality of Medicago sativa (L.) cv. Moapa 69 in the high tropic of the Nariño department, Colombia.

Materials and Methods

: The study was conducted in the Pasto and Sapuyes localities. A complete randomized block design was used, with split-plot arrangement. Twelve treatments were established, resulting from the interaction of three amendment sources (dolomitic limestone, agricultural limestone and agricultural gypsum) and four doses (D1-control without application of limestone, D2-according to soil analysis, D3-½ D2 and D4-1 t. ha-1), with three replicas. The variables were plant height, green forage, dry matter, protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, calcium and phosphorus. The program R V 3.6.2 was used for the statistical analysis. Variance analysis was applied.


: In the rainy season, in the Pasto locality, T4 was the most outstanding in neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, with values of 41,0 and 25,5 %, respectively. In Sapuyes, T4 stood out for its protein content (30,9 %). During the dry season, in Pasto, the variables did not show statistical differences. In Sapuyes, T3 was the best regarding acid detergent fiber (29,3 %), T8 stood out in height (2,57 cm) and T12 in green forage (5,52 t ha-1) and dry matter (0,97 t ha-1).


: The practice of limestone application positively influenced the establishment and adequate development of M. sativa. The performance of alfalfa varied in correspondence with the water availability. In the rainy season, the DM yields remained constant. Meanwhile, in the dry season, dolomitic limestone, with 1 t.ha-1, had the best yields.

Palabras clave : calcium carbonate; Medicago sativa; productivity.

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