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Pastos y Forrajes

versión On-line ISSN 2078-8452


ROJAS-CORDERO, Daniel; ALPIZAR-NARANJO, Andrés; CASTILLO-UMANA, Miguel Ángel  y  LOPEZ-HERRERA, Michael. Effect of the inclusion of Musa sp. on the conservation of Morus alba Linn. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2020, vol.43, n.3, pp. 210-219. ISSN 2078-8452.


To evaluate the effect of the inclusion of different levels of Musa sp. on the nutritional and fermentative quality of silages of Morus alba Linn.

Materials and Methods

A completely unrestricted design was used, with four treatments: T1-100 % M. alba; T2-85 % M. alba: 25 % Musa sp.; T3-70 % M. alba: 30 % Musa sp. and T4-55 % M. alba: 45 % Musa sp. The silages were made in 5-kg plastic bags during 40 days. At the moment of opening, the bromatological characteristics of the silages were measured, as well as the fermentation indicators. A variance analysis was used and correlations were done between all the bromatological variables and the fermentation indicators.


The dry matter content decreased at a rate of 2,4 % per each increase of Musa sp. in the different treatments. The inclusion of 45 % of Musa sp. in the mixture generated a growth of 47,7 and 58,0 % in the content of non-fibrous carbohydrates and pectins, respectively, 27 % of starch and 1,1 megacalories more of net lactation energy per each kilogram of dry matter. Meanwhile the contents of neutral detergent fiber and digestibility of the neutral detergent fiber were reduced by 22 and 23 %, respectively, when including 45 % of Musa sp. in the diet. In addition, there was improvement in the fermentation indicators, because the lactic acid content increased and pH and ammoniacal nitrogen were reduced in the silages.


The inclusion of 0 and 15 % of Musa sp. in the M. alba silage showed the highest values of protein, ash and fiber; while in the treatments of 30 and 45 % improved the forage conservation process and favorable fermentation indicators were obtained, as well as reduction in the quantity of fiber and increase of non-fibrous carbohydrates.

Palabras clave : silage; animal nutrition; shrubs.

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