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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3100


LEON SANTANA, Pastor; DIAZ RAMOS, Humberto; PAREDES GONZALEZ, Luis F.  y  MONREAL GONZALEZ, C. Ricardo. Pronator quadratus pedicled bone graft in the treatment of scaphoid pseudoarthrosis. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2008, vol.22, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3100.

Scaphoid pseudoarthrosis is a challenge for the surgeon specialized in hands. Among the different surgical methods to treat non-union of the scaphoid, one may underline the internal fixation accompanied by autologue bone grafts of corticospongious and other vascularized bone graft techniques. The objective of this research study was to show our own experience in pronator quadratus pedicled bone graft. Seventeen cases with carpal scaphoid pseudoarthrosis, but without osteoarthritic changes at radiocarpal joint, were reported; they were all treated with pronator quadratus pedicled bone graft and internal fixator. The non-union consolidation was seen in all the patients. The suggested technique also allowed making the angle deformity corrections of the scaphoid.

Palabras clave : Pseudoarthrosis; scaphoids; vascularized bone graft.

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