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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3100


OJEDA GONZALEZ, José Julio  y  JEREZ LABRADA, Jorge Alberto. Generalities of Back Pain in Diagnosis And Treatment. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2022, vol.36, n.3  Epub 01-Sep-2022. ISSN 1561-3100.


Back pain is a frequent and universally distributed symptom that affects people of any age and of both sexes. 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Acute processes are self-limiting and resolve within a few weeks, except for some cases that become chronic and require continued medical care. Chronic symptoms are more frequent in ages between 45 and 65 years and in the female sex.


To update the general elements related to the diagnosis and treatment of back pain.


A detailed review of the literature was carried out in relation to back pain in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Updated literature was retrieved from Cumed, Ibec, Lilac, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, and Wholis databases. A review of the subject was made fundamentally of the last 5 years.


Back pain is a frequent and universally distributed symptom that affects persons of any age and both sexes. The recommendations are based on the best available evidence, with the intention of standardizing them for treating back pain in Primary Health Care and for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment.

Palabras clave : back pain; non-pharmacological treatment; pharmacotherapy.

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