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Revista de Protección Vegetal

versión impresa ISSN 1010-2752


REYES, Yusimy et al. COMPATIBILITY OF Trichoderma asperellum Samuels WITH HERBICIDES OF MORE FREQUENT USE IN RICE CROP. Rev. Protección Veg. [online]. 2012, vol.27, n.1, pp. 45-53. ISSN 1010-2752.

The objective of this work was to evaluate the compatibility of some herbicides used to control the arvenses in the rice crop with three strains (T.17, T.75 and T.78) of Trichoderma asperellum Samuels. The technique used was that of poisoned cultures at different herbicide concentrations. Three herbicides of frequent use in the crop (fenoxaprop-p-ethyl; bispiribac-sodium; 2,4D amina salt) were tested starting from the field dose (0,1D = 10 times lower, D = recommended dose and 10D = 10 times higher). After 72 hours, the effect of the concentrations of the products on the mycelial growth, sporulation and germination 12 hours after the trial setting was determined. The residual effect of the product was evaluated in malt agar on day 7. The results showed that the concentrations of D and 10D of the fenoxaprop-p-ethyl products and 2,4D amina salt affected the mycelial growth of the strains T.17 and T.75; however, germination at the 0,1D concentration was not affected. None of the strains evaluated were affected by bispiribac - sodium. Even on day 7, the fenoxaprop-p-ethyl products and 2,4D amina salt at the concentrations of 10D showed residual effects on the strains T.17 and T.75. The herbicide bispiribac - sodium turned out to be compatible with the three strains of T. asperellum evaluated.

Palabras clave : Trichoderma; compatibility; herbicide; rice; Cuba.

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