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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versión On-line ISSN 1028-4796


MORON RODRIGUEZ, Francisco J.; GUERRERO JACOME, Ricardo O.  y  VICTORIA AMADOR, María del Carmen. Caribbean medicinal plants with potential to inhibits platelet aggregation. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 2007, vol.12, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1028-4796.

Consumption of folk medicinal plants or the so called nutritional supplements or natriuceutic, which in its composition include portions of plants used with analgesic, anti-inflammatories or antipyretic aims, must to be on scientific bases of safety and effect; also, we must to consider risk of bleeding in case of a desease as dengue, may to present an hemorhagic way; as well as, in other clinical situations, like surgical interventions or platelet antiaggregant drugs or anticoagulants agents. Our aim was to identify the plants used in Caribblean countries and that could potentially to affect coagulation in consumers of these agents. We identify 22 species analyzed from scientific information published, and are a risk for patients presenting coagulation disorders. We conclude that in patients with hemorrhagic risk, study plants must not to be used or if need be, we must to take precautions.

Palabras clave : Platelet antiaggregant; coagulation; ciclo-ooxygenase; medicinal plants.

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